quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2014

production flows of ribosomes, energy flows from the Klebs cycle oscillation of neurons. 

Indeterministic Graceli photoelectric effect. 
The photoelectric effect does not always follow a timing amount, intensity, direction and shape over time. It depends on the means of action between photons and intensity of the radioactive metals. 

fluxos de produção de ribossomos, fluxos de energia do ciclo de klebs, oscilação de neurônios. 
n=  ®  FR pr+  n=  ®  FRpeb+n=  ®  FRon
\Sigma {\int}   i h [log   FR pr/  FR pr/t][n], [ FRpeb/t[n]], [FRon/y[n]]
i =  logh/h [t]

h = índice quântico, t = tempo.

Efeito fotoelétrico indeterminista Graceli.
O efeito fotoelétrico sempre não obedece a uma cronometragem de quantidade, intensidade, direção e forma em relação ao tempo. Pois depende do meio entre ação de fótons e intensidade radioativa dos metais.

n=  ®  a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]+n=  ®  FR
\Sigma {\int}   i h { [ [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR] [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR]}
i = a[ logh/h [t] [a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]] /c

h = índice quântico, t = tempo. 

a = altenância.
0 = valor nulo.
r = radiação para efeito fotoelétrico.
c = velocidade da luz.

h = quantum index t = time. 

a = altenância. 
0 = nil. 
r = radiation photoelectric effect. 
c = speed of light. 

Posted by among the greatest thinkers. physicist, mathematician, philosopher, cosmologist, astrophysicist.Ancelmo Luiz Graceli - at 03:52 No comments: 
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Unified universal theory indeterminist Graceli between science and geometry. 

The production of ribosomes, and of the power of the Klebs cycle oscillations of neurons, the oscillations of electrons and molecules of gases when under great pressures and temperatures follow a principle of transcendent heels with indeterminate values ​​from one to thousands, and of thousands to one or zero, that we compared to the intensities of potential variations. 

Genetic does not depict all the features that can be received by a vegetable or animal being. For every tiny part has several genes acting and forming various and assorted beings. 

The same we see in the action of ribosomes and neurons, because we see that each neuron has its own feature that varies over time. 

The same is true of the cells, because what we have is an indeterminate universe and transcendent in relation to myriad phenomena that occur every moment negligible. 

Ie, we have both a general theory in biology, physics, neurology, cosmology, nuclear and quantum. 

production flows of ribosomes, energy flows from the Klebs cycle oscillation of neurons. 

h = quantum index t = time. 

n=  ®  FR pr+  n=  ®  FRpeb+n=  ®  FRon
\Sigma {\int}   i h [log   FR pr/  FR pr/t][n], [ FRpeb/t[n]], [FRon/y[n]]
i =  logh/h [t]

Graceli universal theory of geometric, cosmic and quantum indeterminism. 

n=  ®  a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t]+n=  ®  FR
\Sigma {\int}   i h { [ [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR] [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR]}
i =  logh/h [t] [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t]

h = quantum index t = time. 

For the infinitesimal time x, we have a positive value, and the next time positive and zero alternation. Ie, at a time when we have an infinitesimal value in another time and have a null value. 

Graceli theory of nuclear-quantum uncertainty. 

The quantum leap does not comply with standards and timing in relation to time, intensity, direction and way of heels, therefore, depends on the energy of interactions between charges, the amount and types of loads, and also depends on the rotation speed and energy issue, 
The same occurs with the meeting between particles, which are produced smaller particles as quarks, leptons and others, but the production, time, intensity never repeated, therefore depends on the universe of phenomena involved. 

The same happens with the production of electricity and magnetism, it depends on the intensity of magnetic energy, rotation and nature of metals. 

The same goes with the flow of each gas and a high-energy electron temperatures and plasma system when delay and oscillation, ie, the oscillation and radiation fluxes does not follow a linear development, but uneven and variational, the relativistic physical and unspecified conditions. 

The same happens with radiation, x-rays, and even this variational range nuclear and quantum uncertainty infinitesimal is also on the photoelectric effect. 

Indeterministic Graceli photoelectric effect. 
The photoelectric effect does not always follow a timing amount, intensity, direction and shape over time. It depends on the means of action between photons and intensity of the radioactive metals. 

The same happens in the production of neutrinos, positrons and other particles. 
even the jet energy radiation and particles that are produced in the encounter large particles in accelerators do not follow a linear development and production of uniform, time and intensity and direction and fluctuation in the propagation and radiation. 

The same has been on genetics, where all the features are not repeated, and can not be determined with this we also have indeterminate and transcendent calculation. 

n=  ®  a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]+n=  ®  FR [[ipcc]
\Sigma {\int}   i h [ipcc] { [ [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR] [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR]}
i = a  [ipcc] [ logh/h [t] [a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]] /c

[ipcc] interactions between particles, fields and loads. 

Transcendent and indeterminate physical geometry. 

When using logx / x [n] infinitely divisible and infinitely, and through the alternation [a, 0, R], where each division has values ​​that can vary in thousandths and that each division has a division by values ​​of alternation between zero or infinitesimal another division, so we have two situations, an indeterminate, and other undetermined and transcendent. 

n=  ®  a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]+n=  ®  FR [[ipcc]
\Sigma {\int}   i h [ipcc] { [ [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR] [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR]}
i = a  [ipcc] [ logh/h [t] [a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]] /c

And this has both in physics, biology and geometry. 

The indeterminacy in the universe macro is confirmed when measuring the curvature of the bending area is seen in the form of magnetic waves, and flows in the form of waves are never repeated. 

Graceli universal theory of uniqueness and uncertainty. 
The universe is not divided in space and time, but energy in forms of waves of energy field that propagate into other forms of energy or even the same source, ie, does not propagate in empty space, but the energy which is in space. 
With this we have are energies that propagate waves in flows within other streams of waves. 

With this we form a continuum - power and acceleration [fea] 
to an n-dimensional quantum system. 

                     2     2     2      2     2      2    2            2    2
dx12+dx22+dp3+df4+de5+di6+da7+dg8 [n]=      dt2 /c

And this also happens in the quantum, nuclear and particle world, but also in the cosmological. 
Ie, we have a continuum and an equivalence and uniqueness of the world macro and micro. 
Where we have is not a relativity, but an uncertainty of shapes, accelerations and energies, moments. 

The universe follows a precession wave flows up and down, like the fins of a fish-Araia moving around, because what we have is the expansion of these fins, and in the center are bursts of energy and large radiation for all sides, where we have the cause of inflation because with it we would not have the early universe by a big bang, but a constant production by cosmic furnace that ejects matter and energy and particles at all times and everywhere. 

With this we would not have a curved universe, but a universe of energy curves in space, such as radiation of x and gamma rays, and this explains the large amount of matter and energy left in the cosmos. With this we would have a cosmo with the center in the form of cosmic furnace, and not black holes that transforms energy into matter and radiation in energy and gravity, and that shall be a spiral inflation, and movements of waves flows up and each extension down into the body. 

n=  ®  a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]+n=  ®  FR [[ipcc]
\Sigma {\int}   i h [ipcc] { [ [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR] [a[logx/x /t[n]], [0/t][FR]}
i = ®  FR [[ipcc] [a]  [ipcc] [ logh/h [t] [a[logr/r /t[n]], [0/t]] /c


[ipcc] interactions between particles, fields and loads. 

Graceli theory of the universe the cosmic furnace and flow waves. 
That is, its form does not static but dynamic, as well as their expansion.